Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunny Days

Today it's still freezing outside. I can't wait for it to be Spring again so I can walk outside in a short sleeved shirt and not freeze where I stand. Despite the terrible weather that comes with my home state, it has been really sunny lately and it got me thinking.

I love the sun, everytime it's out I just want to run outside and lay in the grass listening to my iPod because to me that's peaceful. The only thing stopping me from doing that today is the fact that it's 30 degrees outside, but I know warmer weather is coming. Soon...I hope...

My best memories take place during beautiful, sunny days. I tend to get depressed when it's cold  or rainy. Even when I'm at school if the sun is out and I can see it through the windows I have a hard time concentrating because I want to be outside so badly and just walk around and enjoy it.

Right now it looks beautiful outside but it's torturing me because I know it's freezing, but it's almost March so I know it has to come soon right? Basically the whole point of this rambling blog is that I've been an emo kid lately and it's finally starting to annoy me more than it's probably annoying other people. I guess when I look outside and at the sun it reminds me that even though it's cold right now there's still something better to come and I just need to stop wasting my time being upset over things that aren't even a big deal. I guess I'm just impatient for the future because I'll be transferring in the Fall to a school I'm extremely excited to attend and I'll finally leave my old town behind and hopefully be closer to going where I want to go.

I can't promise myself that I'll be super happy tomorrow or next week, but I can at least stop being emo and start looking at the brighter side. I know life can suck sometimes and it's not perfect but I'd rather waste my time being somewhat happy than being sad and bitter then waking up one day realizing that my life passed me by and I did nothing to make it worth something. I'll agree that sometimes you can be let down when you remain optimistic but this isn't getting my hopes up for something amazing, it's just being content and trying to find new ways to enjoy life. Besides I'd rather take a risk at being happy then staying at home all day moping but never doing anything about it. Life moves fast, I'd rather not miss it because you only get one.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

When Boredome Strikes...

So I was thinking about life, that's what happens when I finish all my homework and I literally have nothing better to do. Anyways not long ago I had someone ask me what my "perfect" guy was. Lately I stopped trying to think of the perfect guy because I don't think there's such a thing since we're all human. Besides he won't be getting a perfect girl with me. Still, it's kind of fun to think of your dream guy. It shows what your tastes are and helps you not to settle so much when it comes to dating.

For me, I guess my perfect guy would have brown skater boy hair, plays guitar, blue eyes, intelligent, sweet, loves dogs, can make me laugh, out going, fun to be around, optimistic, watches anime, likes Batman, wants to travel, cares about school, means what he says, keeps his promises, romantic, loves me for me, great taste in music (screamo, alternative, metal, rock), spontaneous, has good grammar, rides a motorcycle, wants to live near the ocean, rides ATV's, can sing, dresses kind of skaterboyish, smiles a lot, is serious when he needs to be, will watch dumb movies and act like a dork, tall, cute, smells good, nice arms, and someone who's easy to talk to.

I guess that looks like a lot but oh well. This is just for fun. :)

Stop Abusing Relationships

This has been bugging me for a while now. I notice the people around me, mostly what I see on Facebook, and I notice that none of them can take a relationship seriously. They all whine saying how they hate being single and how they want someone, anyone. Well they manage to find people but then the "relationship" lasts about a week. Then a few days after that breakup they're back to looking for someone new.

I have a problem with this for many reasons. The list could literally go on for an eternity but I'll just name the major ones. One, if you move on from a person that quickly then you obviously never truly cared about them. You should be in a relationship because you have a legit liking for that person and want to be with them not because you're so insecure that you can't function properly by yourself. That's not right. By doing that you're just playing with that person's heart and in the end you won't only hurt them but yourself too. That's not healthy, it's like a form of self abuse.

Second, you won't attract anyone worth being with if you're constantly complaining about your relationship status. Yes, being single isn't the best in many people's minds. It can be lonely but you have to stop looking at it that way. Being single can be great if you stop focusing so much on finding someone. If you're that desperate you'll get desperate people. You'll take whoever will have you which will never end well. Healthy, good people don't like the desperate whiners. So enjoy life, be happy, be yourself, and then when someone comes along you'll be with them for the right reasons and they'll be a better match for you. If they don't come along, who cares? You're too busy enjoying life!

Third, people will change themselves in every way possible just to win someone over. I completely disagree with that. If you keep doing that then who are you? You shouldn't change who you are from person to person. You should just be you even if that means you're a nerd, goth, emo, jock or a mixture. Just be you and don't try to completely reinvent yourself just so one person will like you and date you. If you have to become someone you're  not just to be with them then you shouldn't be with them in the first place. You need someone who accepts you for who you are and vise versa. 

Last, don't settle. Just because you're having trouble finding someone who's compatible with you and shares your feelings doesn't mean you'll be alone forever. If you settle you'll be more unhappy than if you are alone forever. At least if you remain single you won't have someone toying with your heart and making you miserable. You're your own person and if you find someone who compliments you then that's amazing! If not, whatever. Shake it off, there's so much more to life. Find a hobby, try to pursue your goals. Life moves quickly, don't waste it looking for someone to make you feel less alone. If you do that you'll never be happy. So live life and find ways to make yourself happy. Don't be lying on you deathbed regretting that you never did any of the things you wanted to. So go travel, learn guitar, finish college, be you. Don't let someone else determine who you are because in the end you're stuck with yourself.

Don't abuse relationships because you're lonely. That's selfish and just plain stupid. Most people don't take relationships seriously anymore anyways so why waste your time with it? Live life, there's a beautiful world out there if you actually look.