Often I wake up in the morning with the vague playback of my dream for that night. Usually my dreams are pretty interesting and by interesting I mean odd and by odd I mean plain out weird. Since they amuse me so much I started writing the ones I remembered clearly down on a word document.
While I was writing my latest one down today I started to think back to the other ones so I started to read what I had written. There weren't many down since I just started doing this a month ago but they all made no sense. Usually when people dream it has some meaning or it's of a past memory or it's the same dream always repeating itself. I'll give you one example of my dreams.
This is a dream I had a few weeks ago. I was in the auditorium of my old high school watching "How I Met Your Mother" with the cast, excluding Neil Patrick Harris. I didn't seem to notice much until the door opened and he walked in. Being the huge Dr. Horrible (and How I Met Your Mother) fan that I am, I jumped out of my seat and basically ran at him. He just smiled and looked around the room as he began chatting with Jason Segel. I nervously asked if he could sign my shirt. He gladly said yes but realized that he didn't have a sharpie. I noticed that I didn't have one either so I frantically began to think of what to do about this sharpie disaster. Jason left the room and we walked up to this little table that was by the the door. On the table was a coffee pot, a note pad, and a pen. Neil Patrick Harris picked up the coffee pot with a grin and said cheerfully, "Hey, I have an idea! If we mix something with this coffee then we can use it to sign your shirt." Now thinking back I don't know why he didn't use the pen or why I thought his coffee idea was fantastic. Before he could pursue this idea Jason Segel ran back into the room holding a sharpie high above his head as if it was a mighty sword. He said happily, "I found a sharpie! They had a ton in the office over there." We preceded to look behind him at the school office. We laughed at this whole episode and NPH gladly signed my shirt. Then I woke up with a slight disappointment and a plain shirt with no evidence of a sharpie ever being there.
That's the type of weirdness most my dreams have only this one is one of the less weird ones. I also tend to dream about this mall school a lot. It looks like a mall but the stores are classrooms from my old high school. I've dreamed about this mall school for years and it manages to pop up in every single dream I have. I'm not even exaggerating that point. The layout always changes but in the dream I know it's the same mall school. Sometimes there's added stores. There's been a church in the middle of it, a buffet called "Peas Around the World" that only sold peas from around the world and nothing else, a video game store where the characters came to life and I had to kill them, Charlie McDonnell's (from youtube) house, and so on. I also dream about this summer camp a lot. It seems that if I'm not in the mall school or it doesn't show up at some point then I'm at the summer camp.
Sometimes I'm not even me. I have dreams where I'm this other girl and usually those dreams involve action. For example, once I was this British girl from the 18th century and I had to fight Voldemort with the help of Doctor Who and another random person. I've only had these "alter ego" dreams a few times. The only other one I can remember clearly, I had to fight my friend who turned into a monster from Final Fantasy.
Usually when I tell friends or family about my dreams I'm give a strange look or a nod that says "That's funny, but you're a weird one. I want pie..."
I've actually had a dream that was more like watching a movie and I wasn't even in it. I've also had a dream about the Simpsons doing a Twilight spoof and this was before that Halloween special with Edward.
I guess all I'm trying to say here is that my dreams are definitely entertaining, (at least to me). Well I'll leave you with a lyric from one of my favorite bands: All Time Low.
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