Do you ever have that moment where you realize you're doing something incredibly stupid yet you can't stop yourself? You're standing in the road, a car is coming at you and yet you don't move and just let it hit you. Sometimes you jump away last minute only wearing a few scars, sometimes you get a broken leg and other times you get completely shattered.
Usually there are signs that tell you the car is coming. Perhaps someone is yelling at you from across the street, maybe you heard it coming, maybe there was a flashing sign that said "CAR COMING RUN." When this happens most people do one of three things. They 1.) ignore the signs and let themselves get hit. 2.) decided to move or 3.) ignore and then move but by that point damage has been done. Usually the people who ignore it are either doing it because they refuse to see the red flags or they're just being an idiot. Either way I think sometimes it's good to jump in front of that moving car.
Why? Well think about it. If you live your whole life playing safe without taking any risks are you really living life? Are you learning anything? No, you're not. Of course it'd be nice to live life without making a single mistake but let's face it, that's not going to happen so you might as well let a car hit you every now and then to move you along. Yes, it's not fun and it hurts and can leave permanent damage but sometimes you need to be hit. If someone is living a terrible life and they're constantly running into the street but barely dodging cars then maybe they need to be hit by one to knock some sense into them. Maybe someone is afraid to cross the street. Maybe they need to come close to a car hitting them just so they realize it's okay to take some risks in life just be careful about it.
Of course in that moment when you see the car moving in your direction and your feet are frozen to the concrete your first thought is, "how did I end up here?" Maybe you'll think, "I should have listened to the person telling me to look out." Maybe you never listen to that person and now that you've almost been hit you'll start listening to not just them but some others you find trustworthy. Or if someone was telling you to run in the street you'll think "hey maybe I should stop listening to that person."
My point is that getting hit by a car is painful and it's not fun but it's okay if it happens. You learn a lesson, you see who was telling you to run and who was just trying to keep you safe. You see what you can handle and what you can't and in that moment your life starts flashing through your mind. You begin to see what you really want and that next time you'll look both ways or you'll make sure you have someone by your side that fits you perfectly. If you can avoid the car then that's great but if you don't maybe it's not always a bad thing. Maybe you need it.
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