Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Soul Mates

I used to be a firm believer in soul mates. I believed that everyone had one and had a chance to meet that soul mate before they died. I just figured that maybe people got stupid or didn't treat each other right which resulted in them losing this soul mate and their one shot at true love. Now, I'm not so sure.

I do believe that people act like idiots sometimes when it comes to love. Some people don't treat each other right and play with their hearts or they just stop caring at some point. That's, sadly, a very normal thing. I don't understand why people do that. If you love that person then show them. Treat them right with kindness and respect. That's what I would do if I was in love and I'd hope he would do the same for me.

When it comes to soul mates though I still believe that everyone has one. I'm not saying that you'll end up with them or that you can't be happy with someone who isn't your soul mate. I just think that everyone has one person who is absolutely perfect for them in every way. I mean, think about it, there's billions of people out there so there has to be at least one person who is your perfect match. However, I think that not everyone has the chance to meet that person. You could live in America and your soul mate could be in England and you'll never have the chance of meeting each other.

I like to think that everyone has one shot at meeting this person. I also think that one and only shot could be easily missed and wasted. For example you could decide to go to the mall and when you arrive there your soul mate is walking out the back as your parking your car in the front, never to be seen by you again. If you arrived maybe five minutes earlier you could have had a shot, but it didn't work that way.

That's what I like to think anyway. I know that some people actually find, meet, and manage to win their soul mate. It's rare, like 1 in every 1,000,000,000 people. Still, at least it's nice to know some people are able to find it. Of course, I think you could still meet someone who is almost perfect for you. They may not be everything you wanted, wrong eye color, snores, doesn't like your favorite band, but they're still perfect for you when it comes to the things that count.

Still, finding the soul mate would be ideal.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bucket List

I can't really sleep tonight, but I thought this would be a fun thing to do since it's a new year and everything. I made one a while ago but this one is more updated. So here goes! Hopefully I'll be able to check a lot of these off one day.

1.)Visit England
2.) Visit Australia
3.) Kiss in the rain
4.) Go to the Ocean
5.) Road trip
6.) Go to a midnight premiere of a movie I REALLY want to see
7.) Graduate college
8.) Have my own house
9.) Get out of my current town and state
10.) Meet Joel Madden
11.) Watch the sunset with a cute guy :)
12.) Slow dance outside to the car stereo (again with a cute guy)
13.) Publish a book
14.) Inspire someone
15.) Have flowers sent to me by a secret admirer (I know that one's lame, but it'd be cute)

That's all I can really think of for now. I guess most of the stuff is small, but I guess I just want to have a life filled with cute, sweet, little moments like that because those are always the memories that make me smile and that I remember. For some reason I love those little things more than the more impressive things. I guess they just make me happy and that's all I really want.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Picture Perfect

When I think about my "picture perfect" future I see myself with an incredibly cute husband, a beagle, and a cute house in a little beach town. I see myself being able to walk down the beach at sunset and look at the ocean thinking how lucky I am to be there. I see myself having a job that I enjoy, one that's helping and inspiring people in some way. I see me and my husband maybe not being rich but living comfortably. I picture a simple life, but a good one. One where I'm happy. Maybe taking a few vacations every now and then and traveling. I want to go to London and New Zealand. I want to learn to surf, kiss on the beach while listening to the waves crash around us, wake up every morning to palm trees outside my windows and my husband's face, sit on the beach and watch fireworks in the summer, feel at peace, get my husband to buy a motorcycle so we can ride around, feel lucky, no stress, no worries, no regrets.

That's what I want. I know life won't ever be perfect but I'd like to come close. I at least want to live in that cute beach town with a dog and an sweet, cute husband who will watch Batman and other stupid stuff that I love with me.

Maybe one day...