Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bucket List

I can't really sleep tonight, but I thought this would be a fun thing to do since it's a new year and everything. I made one a while ago but this one is more updated. So here goes! Hopefully I'll be able to check a lot of these off one day.

1.)Visit England
2.) Visit Australia
3.) Kiss in the rain
4.) Go to the Ocean
5.) Road trip
6.) Go to a midnight premiere of a movie I REALLY want to see
7.) Graduate college
8.) Have my own house
9.) Get out of my current town and state
10.) Meet Joel Madden
11.) Watch the sunset with a cute guy :)
12.) Slow dance outside to the car stereo (again with a cute guy)
13.) Publish a book
14.) Inspire someone
15.) Have flowers sent to me by a secret admirer (I know that one's lame, but it'd be cute)

That's all I can really think of for now. I guess most of the stuff is small, but I guess I just want to have a life filled with cute, sweet, little moments like that because those are always the memories that make me smile and that I remember. For some reason I love those little things more than the more impressive things. I guess they just make me happy and that's all I really want.

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